Would you know your daughter, see her in company. 你若想了解女儿,只要看她和什么样的人交往。
Stevenson sailed under false colors until he married his boss's daughter and took control of the company. 史蒂文森一直装出一副假象,直到他娶了老板的女儿并掌握了公司。
My daughter Judy, who works for a plumbing company, found herself in need of a plumber at home. 我女儿朱迪在一家管道公司工作。一日,她发现自己家里需要一个管道修理工。
I work for an international freight forwarding company and situate a senior position in their Norwegian daughter company. 我在国际货运代理公司挪威子公司高级职位的工作。
I hate going out alone, so I take my daughter for company. 我不喜欢单独出去,所以待女儿作伴。
Thank you for being a good wife, an excellent cook, a great daughter to your parents, and a professional manager to your company. 谢谢你让自己成为一个合格的妻子、出色的烹调高手、父母的乖女儿、公司的专业经理人。
As had been expected, his youngest daughter his company. 正如大家所预料的,他最小的女儿接管了公司。
He added that Mr Yung's daughter Frances, listed as director, group finance in the company's annual report, had been demoted and her pay cut. 他补充称,荣智健的女儿荣明方(Frances)也已被降职和减薪。在公司年报中,荣明方被列为集团财务部董事。
Yoo Hee has independent personality and is the only daughter of the owner of an advertisement company and is working as an advertisement planner. 柔熙是一家广告公司所有人的独生女,拥有独立个性,从事广告策划。
Would you be so kind as to sit with my daughter tonight? I have to go out, but she does need company. 今天晚上你帮我照看一下我女儿好吗?我得出去一下,她需要有人给她作伴。
December20th, the day after my birthday, my husband, daughter, and I went to an empty parking lot of some company to give a driving lesson to our lovely daughter. 月20日,我生日的第二天,我,女儿,还有老公来到几个公司的露天停车场教女儿学开车。
He would prevent my girls from going to town that he may have the pleasure of my youngest daughter's company here at home. 他要拦阻我女儿们进城,我叫我的小女儿在家陪伴他。
Mr Yung's daughter, Frances, then listed as the company's director, group finance, was demoted for her role in the scandal. 荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的集团财务部董事。
Lest I miss them, my younger daughter, who works at our company, is very quick to let me know whenever she feels I've fallen short, especially in the way I've treated someone. 也在公司里工作的我最小的女儿,为了提醒我,总是最快让我知道我什么时候做错了,尤其是我对待别人的方式上。
The daughter was here to study music, the mother to keep her company. 女儿来这儿学音乐,母亲来陪伴她。
My daughter has just started work in a highly-paid job with a television company. 我女儿刚开始在一家高薪水的电视公司工作。
I was to pretend to be his daughter, inherit the company. 我假装成他的女儿去继承公司。